
A poem about the end.



I’ve waited a long time to write this down.

Before, the words just seemed to be stuck, they couldn’t be written.

My mother once said, “sometimes mysteries are supposed to remain unsolved,

some words are supposed to be unspoken,

and sometimes men are supposed to leave.”

I couldn’t leave you unsolved.

I couldn’t leave these words unspoken.

You weren’t supposed to leave.

You’re too beautiful to go unnoticed.

I’ve waited so long to describe you to the world…

Long hair that I just want to run my fingers through, Blue eyes I just want to get lost in, Tan skin that I just want to feel against mine.

But, now the words don’t seem to do you justice.

Damn you, because I actually thought we could do it.

I actually thought we could preform the impossible.

Like a travelling magic act, except you disappeared.

Wrong miracle, if you ask me.

I actually thought forever existed.

Like a princess movie, just without the happily ever after.

Damn you, because for once, I thought happily ever after existed,

Too bad it got lost in a swirling sea of reality.

I’ve come to the realization that nice boys are a figment of women’s imaginations.

Like we all circled around a table and decided to create a myth that would eventually lead to our heartbroken downfall.

That isn’t fair.

But, life isn’t fair, right?

YOU aren’t fair, right?

Because if you were fair, you wouldn’t have left me sitting in a pool of my own mascara and tears.

I refuse to become the stereotype.

I refuse to become the useless magician’s assistant.

I refuse to become the helpless princess stuck in her damn tower.

You don’t get to save me this time.

Dammit, you don’t get to save me.

Because you left,

And your mystery is solved,

And my words are no longer unspoken.

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